What is volunteer service?
Volunteer service can mean different things to different people. At Lake Forest High School, volunteer service is defined as any work done for the benefit of others without any direct financial, material, or personal compensation or gain. This can occur in or our of Lake County.
For NHS to count the hours towards their 30-hour requirements, students must obtain signatures verifying their involvement. You should keep track of all activities starting day-1 of freshman year.
Proof of Hours:
On the application, you will have the opportunity to submit proof of your work. You can obtain proof using a variety of methods, including:
Obtaining in-person signatures
Online signatures
Screenshots/pictures of emails
Screenshots/pictures of text messages
Screenshots/pictures of certificates
Screenshots/pictures of documentation from the service-based organizations
Hour Caps and Other Restrictions:
Single Event/Organization Limit: A maximum of 15 hours per grade-level year can be counted from a single event or organization. You can get all your hours from this organization, but it must be through multiple years.
Specific Caps: Hours from peer tutoring, Link Crew, and being an Academic TA (excluding Wellness) are capped at 5 hours per school year. Service-oriented club (examples - Big 2 Little/STS/Peer Advanced Leaders (Sherpa)/Special Olympics/Women in STEM) involvement is limited to 5 hours per year.
Community-Based Organizations: Work for religious or political groups isn't counted unless it's community outreach like soup kitchens, food drives, or mission trips, with a cap of 15 hours for mission trips and 8 hours per day of actual work.
Scout Awards: Work for personal Boy Scout or Girl Scout awards doesn’t count, but assisting others in their projects does.
Tech Crew: Hours for regular school productions don’t count, but support for meetings, ancillary productions, or outside community events do count.
Volunteer work for family members, job training or career development (e.g., internships), performances for a paying audience, required club/team activities, and work done for class credit or extra credit do not count.
Volunteer hours are defined as any work done for the benefit of others without any direct financial, material, or personal compensation or gain. You must do these hours voluntarily.
Volunteer work that can be considered job training or done for the purposes of career development is not considered volunteer service. For example, an internship is not considered volunteer service. In addition, volunteering to direct or act in a play for a paying audience is not volunteer service.
A student who performs for the community as a member of Madrigals, Bel Canto, Pit Orchestra, or any other group that performs for the community cannot count the performance as volunteer service.
Volunteer work done to receive credit or extra credit in a class does not count as volunteer service. Likewise, students belonging to a non-service-oriented club or team who are required to perform volunteer work to participate in that club, team, or musical ensemble cannot count those hours as volunteer service.
For any further clarification or questions about volunteer service for NHS, please contact the NHS advisor.