Scholarships received in the College and Career Resource Center will be posted on Naviance. Students wishing to pursue scholarship opportunities can access them through the “Scholarship List” on Naviance. When highlighted, each scholarship will provide more detailed information, including links to the application.
Micro-Scholarships with RaiseMe
Scholarship Scoop
While all the scholarships are listed in Naviance, Our monthly scholarship newsletter called “Scholarship Scoop" makes it easier to find which scholarships are applicable to each individual student. It also provides links to the scholarship websites unless the applications are solely available through Naviance. This document will be published monthly so check back here each month!
Scholarship Scoop - February 2025
Juniors and Seniors
School Specific Nominations
Seniors seeking a nomination for one of the highly selective “College Specific” scholarships listed below are asked to submit a résumé to their counselor that includes their GPA and any test scores in addition to a listing of activities, community service involvement, leadership positions held, and awards received. Since students may be considered for more than one scholarship, they should indicate their top choices in order of preference and list them on the body of the email or on a cover letter. A scholarship committee will meet to evaluate the applicants and select the nominee(s) they feel best meets the ideals of each scholarship. Students selected for a scholarship nomination will be notified by their counselor. Below are the deadlines to submit your résumé to your counselor for consideration:
May 31, 2024 (Juniors)
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill-Morehead Cain (2)
OCTOBER 1, 2024 (Seniors)
Davidson College-John Montgomery Belk Scholarship (1)
Indiana University-Wells Scholarship (2)
University of Virginia-Jefferson Scholars Program (2)
(#) Indicates how many students we can nominate for each of the scholarships listed above
Local Scholarships
These scholarships are available for graduating LFHS seniors and are awarded annually at the Honors Night ceremony in May. Available scholarships include service to the school (APT), Music (Applause), Theater (PALS), scholarships for students majoring in Art or Education; scholarships for students who have a passion for reading; who write independently; and students who demonstrate “Good Character” and “Generosity of Spirit.” Additionally, a number of community organizations offer numerous scholarships including the American Legion, Friends of LF Library, Junior Garden Club of Lake Forest, LF-LB Lion’s Club, LF Preservation Foundation and the Lake Bluff Women’s Club. These scholarships are awarded in recognition of community service involvement, leadership, financial need and academic achievement.
Applications will be available beginning on January 15, 2025 and will be available on Naviance and this page.
All Students
There are two memorial scholarships that are available for any Lake Forest High School students who are interested in attending a summer program and/or GAP Year program. The two scholarships are listed below along with the specific criteria for both.
The Ellie Burns Foundation will provide a scholarship to a deserving student to attend a summer or fall outdoor adventure, education and/or community service program offered by 501(c)(3) exempt organizations, such as Outward Bound, Inc., National Outdoors Leadership School (“NOLS”), Overland, Rustic Pathways or any other 501(c)(3) exempt organization approved by the Scholarship Selection Committee. The scholarship awarded will be up to $6000 and will be paid directly to the organization offering the program on behalf of the scholarship recipient. Applications will be available November 1 and can be accessed on Naviance, the counselor’s office and Room 103A.
The Christopher Martinat Memorial Scholarship will fully fund the tuition for a month-long NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School) experience in the Rocky Mountains for one selected student. Interested applicants must be at least 16 years of age and a resident of Lake Forest, Lake Bluff or Knollwood. Applications will be available November 1 and can be accessed on Naviance, the counselor’s office and Room 103A.