Click HERE to View Our LFHS Attendance Policy
The School Code of Illinois recognizes illness, death in the immediate family, family emergencies, and situations beyond the control of the student to be a valid cause for missing school. Parents need to seriously consider whether or not the reason for the student missing instructional time is sufficient to warrant the absence. Parents are responsible for notifying the school according to the absence procedure when a student will be absent. Such notification should occur on the day of the absence. If the number of absences becomes excessive, the parents must provide documentation of the reason. There are three categories of student absence at Lake Forest High School:
- Excused (E) absences for the following reasons:
- Illness
- Family emergency
- Death in the family
- Religious holidays
- Situations beyond the control of the student as determined by school officials
- School-related (S) absences for the following reasons:
- College visits
- School suspensions
- Field trips
- Athletic contests/ tournaments
- Pre-arranged appointments with staff members (counselors, psychologists, social workers)
- Unexcused (U) absences:
Any absence not authorized or school-related will be considered an unexcused absence for the student. The absence will also be considered unexcused if a parent does not report the absence within 24 hours of the absence. Schoolwork missed because of an unexcused absence may not be made up. Documentation will be required if absences become excessive. Excessive absences without proper documentation may be considered unexcused and will be subject to the unexcused absence policy.
Report an Absence
Absences are reported via the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Once you have navigated to the PowerSchool Parent Portal site, log in using your username and password for your parent access account.
Reporting Attendance
Powerschool Parent Portal Attendance Reporting System Letter
Please click the video links below for instructions on how to report your student’s attendance via the Parent Portal.
Attendance Monitor-Parent Portal Reporting Attendance Instructions
Attendance Monitor - Parent Portal Instructions (Spanish)
Laura Clegg
Jonathan Silver
Important Information and Reminders from the Deans' Office