D115 Best Practices & Guidelines for Facebook and Twitter Use
These are the the official Facebook and Twitter pages of Lake Forest High School District 115, Lake Forest, IL managed by the Communications Department. Their use is intended to provide information for students, teachers, staff, parents, community members and other stakeholders.
Lake Forest High School welcomes a healthy two-way dialogue with the District 115 community. However, personal attacks or derogatory comments against any individual – whether the individual is an employee, student, parent, Board member, or other person – are strictly prohibited. We strongly encourage all comments to be phrased respectfully, factually and constructively.
School-sponsored groups or District affiliates wishing to promote their organization or event must be approved by the Communications Department of District 115 in order to do so.
If you have a question for a specific employee, please contact them directly via their email, phone or written correspondence.
Should you require a response from the School District or wish to request services you must call 847-235-9657.
Comments Guidelines
1. Be respectful. Personal attacks or derogatory comments aimed at specific individuals, employees or students are not permitted.
2. Be polite. Avoid language that is abusive or inappropriate, including remarks that are racist, sexist, sexually explicit or obscene. (Offensive, hateful, graphic, explicit or racial comments or comments that defame anyone or any organization; abusive, obscene or contain profanity; in violation of any laws or regulations; fraudulent or misleading.)
3. Be relevant. The District 115 Facebook page is for sharing news and information regarding district and school activities, events, and information. Do not post comments that advertise or promote a product or service. Spam and commercial advertisements will be deleted.
4. Stay on topic. This is a page dedicated to the education of students of Lake Forest High School District 115. Let’s keep the conversation related to our postings regarding district and school activities, events and information. Comments are welcome so long as they directly relate to our postings regarding district and school activities, events and information.
5. Be factual. Blatantly inaccurate, libelous or false information will be removed.
Please note that all comment postings are at the discretion of the page administrator. District 115 reserves the right to remove any fan that posts material that falls into any of the above categories and they will not be allowed to participate.
Any communication sent or received by District 67 and/or District 115 is a public record and may be subject to inspection or copying under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).