Student Supports (MTSS)
Tiered supports are based on the premise that there are supports that all students need (like rigorous instruction and compassionate teachers), supports that some students need (like executive function tutoring and reading support classes), and supports that a few students need (like attendance plans and behavioral contracts).
It’s the job of the tiered support team to make a careful consideration of each student as a unique learner and determine the interventions that are most likely to address their needs. Tiered interventions are always progress monitored, and students may be elevated to a more intensive support or exited from supports altogether based on the effectiveness of their intervention plan. Students who exit the tiered intervention program continue to be monitored and may reenter the program if the need arises. For more information on student supports, click on the Tiered Student Supports link, or contact the MTSS/RTI coordinator, David Hain.
Request support by filling out the student support request form.